Saturday, December 24, 2011

The T Word

This is a response to recent columns and blogs about the new ABC comedy "Working It", such as this one from Lance Bass, to show how stupid people can be (regardless of their sexual orientation).

A lot has been written and said about the "T-word", aka, "Tranny" for transsexual, or really a demeaning or derogatory word for a transgender person or someone thought to be or have been a transgender person (post-transition men or women aren't trans-anything, just men or women, albeit with a different history). And many in the gay community have argued it's part of the lexicon with the LGBT community.

It's not and shouldn't be used at all except in private conversationa between friends, definitely not in public and more so said about someone they don't personally know, whether a celebrity, public figure or whomever. It's unnecessary and only opens the door to call gay men the F-word, you know faggot. It's the same thing for different people.

This has come up with the new ABC comedy "Working It" which has to be one of the worst comedies in ABC's history. At least in my book just judging the description, seeing the trailors and photos. I'm not sorry to say it should never be aired for it's portraying crossdressers as transpeople similar to what black-face comedy did to black people, similar to what the early depictions of gay people.

When the gays protested those portrayals the anger was loud, but they have long continued to call any transperson a tranny, whether or not it's abouty the drag queens, female impersonators or crossdressers or about transitioning men and women. They know the difference but the reality is gays don't really like real transpeople and especially post-transition women, so they use the word to denigrate them.

And they've never strayed from defending this stupid word, its meaning and its use, but it's time they were held accountable, change or face the music again being called what you hate and transpeople will be silent in your defense. It's the same effect. Hurts doesn't it? Now you know and understand. So change and defend transpeople or not. Your choice.

And sorry, apologies don't work anymore. After all these years you can't play stupid. You're arrogant and ignorant about it. Grow up. You've always put transpeople at the back of the line, back of the bus and back of the political platform. And now they've shown they don't need you to get respect and progres, and they've shown they will speak up and voice their anger at you.

As for your last comment Mr. Bass, "Again, to be clear, I have no problem apologizing.", that only shows me you don't think very far or very well the effect or impact of your words, and you speak faster than you think. I've met too many people who use those words to dismiss being caught and then continue to use them when the proverbial dust settles.

I's just a cursory statement to deflect the argument and justify yours and being caught saying something carelessly stupid. You've always known better and you didn't change. And we don't expect you to change now just because you got caught. It's obvious in the tone and tune of your words.

I've heard it all too often from f..., er gays, like you. Sorry, bad choice of words there? Oh, I apologize. Like, really, I mean it. Sound familar?

Friday, December 23, 2011

Says It All

This photo of two Navy petty officers says it all about the repeal of DADT, just two people who love each other and are family. That's what our country is about, equality. Good luck to them and all our military personnel.