Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Dear President

Dear President Obama,

After reading the latest news from the Justice Department supporting the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) of 1996 in a lawsuit trying to overturn it, and after hearing you espouse a political view that the DOMA should be repealed, I find your hypocrisy on the issue not just troublesome, meaning you were simply politically posturing about your view during the campaign and then said the marriage is between a man and a woman, but appalling.

You courted the LGBT voters for your expressed view against DOMA, and now you sit silently letting others do your bidding for what you really believe and mean, and the LGBT community is left holding the empty poliitical promise bag. No November 11th president-elect treats for them, just the trick of hiding the truth. At best you were less than truthful, and at worst, you lied. Which is it?

Yes, we know the political game during campaigns. You've managed to lose a lot of promises in your term as president, but this one sticks in the throat more than any. You don't really believe in equal rights and protections for all Americans when it comes to marriage, and you certainly don't believe in gender neutral marriage you said was ok with you. But that was then and this is now.

So you let the Department of Justice to leak the truth. All you have to do is say you won't seek to block the lawsuit and you won't oppose if it goes forward. Let the justice system work. But you know you won't because you'll lose the center-right votes supporting unequal marriage.

And you certainly won't ask Congress for a bill to repeal DOMA, only that you would support one and just maybe sign one. Yeah, right. we've heard that promise from you before. And now we know it's political bullshit. You know DOMA nullifies any equal rights marriage law any state has or is proposing. This gives you the out to say it's a state's issue while leaving DOMA in tact to protect your political ass.

Now we know the truth and reality of you and about you. You're anti-LGBT rights and protections unless the overwhelming wave of Congress threatens to inundate you, and you'll suddenly turn the boat and go with it than turn to go against it. You're no different than any other politician who's occupied your chair there.

And we thought you were different. But now we know better. And once lost, trust is harder to rebuild. Trust me, I know. Mine in you has long burned to the ground and won't be rebuilt anytime soon.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm. I didn't trust him to begin with. When a supposedly "liberal" candidate starts racking up endorsements from conservatives, that's a sure sign to me that something's up.

    Be that as it may, DOMA should be repealed, cut up into itsy bitsy pieces and thrown in the nearest waste bucket.
