Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Sometimes people transition not to become someone but to unbecome someone else. Sometimes people transition to female not necessarily because they want to embrace everything women have, do and are, but to get away from being everything men have, do and are, to become who they want to be, even if it's a boyish or androgynous woman.

It's about becoming someone they are comfortable being and being in their own skin and body. Sometimes it's not what's expected of them to be, which often creates it's own internal and external conflicts with the transcommunity and transpeople, especially transwomen who demand all are overtly women, but who and what they want to be.

That's where they live and are, something not often understood, let alone respected, by the transcommunity and other transwomen. Sometimes it's just about being human and nothing more or nothing else, wherever it lies on the gender continuum.

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