Monday, November 9, 2009

Not even on-line

China has started to ban people in on-line games to be different. I don't mean a different characters, but a different gender. This was reported (article) that they've hired a company to use facial recognition software of the person Webcam image to determine if they're male or female.

And then you're allowed to create only names and characters under that gender. The commens are interesting, but the whole thing misses the real issue. Not only are they forciing the gender binary, they're forcing people into only those of the birth sex. Talk about killing the interest and creativity.

And this isn't not for what they say, the safety of women, but to actual make it worse for women, but establishing themselves as women so everyone will know. They can't play being male characters, so they're already at a disadvantage when the boys know they're girls.

Talk about a really bad idea. And if a boy is mistaken for a girl or a girl for a boy? What then? They have to provide a birth certificate they're really who they say they are? Yes, Mr. Chinese leader, there are people who want to be other people, even other genders on-line, just for fun.

It's just fun folks, don't make it worse.

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