Monday, January 16, 2012

Readers are clueless

Well, some of them are. Ok, most of them are when it comes to understanding transwomen, meaning those who are medically identified with Gender Identity Disphoria (GID) and transition from male to female to be physically, as much as possible, and legally female. Their mind is mostly if not completely female and their body is mostly male.

In short it's a physical (body) disorder than a mental one, but the DSM can't control body issues, only mental and emotional ones. But that's not the point here. The point is reading through the comments from the Huffington Post article interview with RuPaul on ABC's show "Working It", the readers themselves confuse the issue, no thanks in part to RuPaul, and the Logo channel which aires his drag show.

The reason is that female impersonators or drag queens along with transvestites and cross-dressers do not have GID. They're all men who are either straight, gay or bisexual and don't want to be women. They like playing dress-up and having fun glamorizing women's appearance and behavior. Not one of them actually wants to live as women 24/7.

The point is that the public has confused the two and think all transwomen are just another flavor of drag queens. They're completely different. Transwomen was normal lives as women as all women do and have. That's normal and ordinary. They have jobs, have families and friends, travel, and everything else as women.

That's the difference many of the readers didn't seem to understand. The majority sided with RuPaul thinking all transwomen are similar as those on his show. And RuPaul has done nothing to correct the idea, and not only has perpetuated it but encouraged it with his performances, his show and his arrogant stupidity as demonstrated in the interview.

And this is why discrimination continues against transwomen, the public's perception of transwomen is biased against them and they're confused with gay people, or others who don't deserve to be considered, let alone treated, as normal and ordinary like everyone else, and especially not them.

The public considers them less than themselves. And then they shrug and wonder when transwomen get upset? Like how stupid can the you (public) be? Or is it just easier to think of them as freaks than actually bother to understand them and find they're just like everyone else.

The freaks are RuPaul. They're the stage show, the performance artists. Transwomen aren't and live as normal women. To equate drag performance and women's performance is an absurb thought, but it doesn't stop the public from making the connection, equating women to just being concerned with beauty.

Our society perpetuates it, the media hypes it with shows like "Worrking it", and the drag perfomers sensationalize it for personal reward and attention. All to the detriment of real transwomen who have to live with the misconceptions and discrimination. And the gay leaders and community don't care enough to help. They love their drag queens. Transwomen are the enemy to them.

And then they feign ignorance when caught or criticized, or worse as with RuPaul, who tells everyone when criticized about the "tranny" word, "F... you!" Ok, if that's you're response I won't step to your defense when you and gay men are called names you don't like or want to hear.

I won't even feign sympathy, but laugh and say what you say, "Get over it!" It's just part of the lexicon of American words. And if it's demeaning or denigrating, I'll just remind you of your advice.

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