Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Why You Stay Stealth

There are several reasons you do not come out, do not become public and do not announce it on Websites unless you have no choice. The risk far outweigh the price you can and often will experience which sometimes results in violence, even death.

The first is that you open yourself to public harrassment through the various social network Websites. The anonymous people who think it's cool to harrass, threaten and imitidate other people, especially transwomen and more so post-transition women.

The second is that your Website will be trashed if you allow anonymous comments, questions, or posts, and may be hacked if you don't allow them. I don't allow them in hopes that anyone who wants to comments has to have an account and be a real person, or at least someone I can check them from their posts.

The third is if anyone posts a photo of you or information about you, you will be a target and may be attacked for just being yourself. You risk being a victim, being a patient and being a corpse.

Don't do it. If you are stealth, stay stealth. Protect yourself and stay silent and quietly live your life with your work, your loved one and family, and yourself.

Don't listen to the transcommunity and those in it who espouse coming out and being out. Ignore them and better forget them. There are far more stealth (trans)women than out women, by several orders of magnitude, so you are not alone in your decision to stay stealth.

Your safety and security are far more important than being out. Stay stealth.

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