Saturday, March 30, 2013


If a woman can be a dyke and even become a transman, what's the problem with a man being a transdyke? Why do all male-to-female transpeople have to be "normally overtly" feminine to transition? Why can a man just be the female version of himself as a woman?

Why do the therapists say that's unacceptable? If a man just wants to be the female version of himself, meaning with breast and a vagina but still the same person, even the same or women's version of his clothes, why is it so wrong?

Just a thought about the few who actually do transition through like this. Kinda' disrupts the gender theory and model don't they? And kinda' cool too, because it's about being comfortable with yourself and your life without having to conform to some arbitrary standard of being trans.

They're saying, "Fuck you."

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