Monday, March 25, 2013


Really WTF applies to this question, why. When a transman, meaning a female born person who transitions to be relatively physically male having double radical mastectomy with other surgeries optional but legally male, the world, especially men, raise a toast to him.

The man can stand up and say he identifies as transgender, which would be obvious if he didn't have bottom surgery, and the media and everyone cheers him to be proud of who he is and identifies. Well, almost everyone, some in the lesbian community often have issues with transmen, but they rarely voice their views publically.

But when a transwoman, meaning male to female born person transition with the surgeries, the sex reassignment surgery and sometimes with facial cosmetic and breast augmentation surgeries, is outed, forced out, or chooses to come out, and decides to identify as transgender, something which escapes me why they do post-transition, then the media and people can't condemn and demean her enough.

There will be a few media sources and many in the LGBT community who praise her, but most don't and many do worse, including using offensive words and language. You can bet she is rarely treated nicely by any current or  propective employer. And equally rarely do family members stay with them let alone by their side.

In short, transmen quickly assume and get male privilege but transwomen get shoved to the bottom of the social ladder, and all of them are lumped into lowest single catagory of human beings. This is old stuff I know but I get tired of reading editorials by out and proud transmen who earn praise while out and proud transwomen have to fight for it and rarely only get it if they pass as women and more so are model pretty.

Yeah, the transcommunity is getting full of model-pretty transwomen as spokeswomen who talk about being out and proud and demand not just other but all transwomen do likewise forgetting those women have lives, families and careers which they would risk losing if they came out.

That seems to be lost on the out and proud group, men or women, and it's the reason the vast majority of transwomen don't come out, don't identify as transgender and don't support the transcommunity outside of any private way they can.

Why the sudden rant on this I've written about before? Yeah, a column by an out and proud gay transman (seems many transmen change their sexual orientation from lesbian, butch women to gay transmen as some transwomen change from straight pretransition men to straight post-transition women) shouted how proud is he and that all transpeople should come out.

Then a news story about GLAAD's new mission transgender inclusive statement. Gee, that was quick of them after recognizing transmen and women for years but if you notice they only recognize accomplished or pretty transwomen? Sexism at its finest in the LGBT community?

Why are almost all the young out and proud transwomen model pretty? Like they represent the vast number of in and post-transition women? Like ordinary isn't good enough for the spotlight or cameras, to be on stage or sitting across from news anchors?

And they all wonder why the vast majority of transwomen and especially post-transition women are quietly living their lives and don't care about transcommunity outside of their own world. Gee, what a concept, ordinary life watching the model-pretty transwomen tell their story and express their view when it rarely approaches those of most transwomen.

What these women have done is set a standard the vast majority of transwomen can't achieve, even if they had all the opportunity and money, it's not who they are and what they can be, let alone what they want to be seen and identified as, transgender.

When you're model pretty no one questions your womanhood. When you're not model pretty, everyone questions your womanhood. But no one question a transman's manhood. Cis-sexism is alive and well in and out of the transcommunity. And yes, it's a WTF question of why.

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