Friday, August 2, 2013


The magazine Transadvocate is doing a series on stealth and passing, and Monica Roberts wrote this essay on the subject for the series. I only have one thing to say to her or anyone who holds the same view and to anyone who thinks every in-transition or post-transition should come out publically.

And that is that it's the right and decision of the woman to decide to come out or not, and it's not the right or demand of anyone else especially those in the transcommunity. Stay out of their life, stay out of their decisions.

Every woman who went through a transition and lives as a woman without coming out has the right to her privacy. She, like all in and post transition woman, faced difficult life choices, faced family, financial and personal hardship, and suffered discrimination.

And the transcommunity rarely helped them during their transition and the transcommunity never helps them after their transition, so post-transition women don't owe the transcommunity anything and the transcommunity doesn't have the right to demand anything of them.

All the transwomen who were outed or came out made and faced choices being public, I won't argue that's a hard choice and decision, but once done it's still only their choice and decision and it doesn't give them any additional power or authority to tell even demand others to do the same.

Sorry transcommunity, you're wrong. If a transwoman wants to transition an live stealth, and even never be out more than immediate family, friends, etc., it's her right. And she has the right to remain silent and not be outed and face being out because people in the transcommunity says she should.

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