Friday, December 6, 2013

Update and Changes

This will likely be my last post for awhile as I've decided I don't want to argue with the people in the transcommunity anymore and just want to get on with my life and changes I had planned and worked for but have struggled with the associated medical problems and financial issues.

It's also because I have a new plan to get through the changes and it doesn't involve anything or anyone in the transcommunity. I have all the medical and other professionals I need to change and don't plan to say anything more, as I tell friends, "It's personal and private and not open for public discussion."

I applaud younger and especially young transitioners who can be open and public - Tumblr is a good place to find them, and while it works for some transitioners, even older ones, it doesn't work and even sucks for some older people.

It's not about the person, they know who they are and what they want to do about their life. It's what people expect and don't like when they see or hear about people changing. I don't need or want it. I just want to live my life.

So I don't plan to post here except every now and then.  I've moved all the previous posts to draft and may bring some of them back in the future, but I don't think they do much for anyone else except let me think out loud.

Otherwise, thanks for readers. I wish you well.

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