Saturday, January 4, 2014


For what it's worth, a post-transition, legally recongized female woman is not a transgender woman. She can be considered to have been a transgender woman, past tense, but once she is post-op and legally female, the word (adjective) transgender can not and should not be used to describe her as a woman. She is just female and a woman.

Now if only the media would learn to get their facts right, but then just calling her just a woman doesn't sell stories. And to me, any post-transition woman who still calls herself a transgender woman needs to rethink why she transitioned, unless of course it's not about that but being noticed.

It's one thing to call yourself a transgender woman because it helps other similar women or the transgender community, but does it really, selling a sexual stereotype isn't what other transitioning women need or want to be accepted and live their life as women, to always be thought of and compared to media stereotypes.

Or do all the stereotype "transgender" women simply want the attention? Maybe it's why so many women transition and live after their transition out of the media and stealth. Who wants to always be called a transgender woman? Who want to always reminded of their past? Who wants to always be asked why they're not like those in the media?

If you have to think about it, then you don't understand.

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