Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Why transistion

This is the often one of the more debated, or argued, subjects with transpeople, who don't know how to explain why they transistion, and the non-transpeople who think they're nutcases who don't accept their birth sex and body. You can talk all you want about it, but it boils down to the understanding the question, "What if you were born in the body of the other sex?"

What would you do? And to a person, the answer is always the same, in different words, "I'd transistion, such as when Jennifer Boylan asked Oprah, "What would you do if you were born with a penis and testicles?" She instantly responded, "I'd cut them off!" That's the crux of the issue non-transpeople don't get until faced with the reality of being in the body of the other sex.

And in the end a transistion isn't really about all the clothes, makeup, etc., the stuff of life we use to get through the world and life, which the media likes to focus on to show transwomen are "real" women by the standards of normal society. They don't get all transwomen want to do is fit in and be accepted, and then get on with their life as women. Nothing more.

I won't argue some like the clothes, makeup, shopping, etc. Many women and many men, although they won't say so, like shopping. It's just all relative to the products. But then many women don't like shopping and don't care about clothes and makeup. If you don't belive that, watch women for awhile and you'll see the greater precentage wear little or no makeup and most wear everyday clothes for convenience, like jeans, t-shirts, etc. Just like men.

But the real reason people transistion is simple. To be physically whole and right. That's it. Nothing more. Once there, they're happy to be who they know they are and wanted to be, just a woman, like any other women, minus the obvious genetic differences which can't be added, not that they wouldn't want that too, only medical science hasn't gotten there yet.

That's not hard to understand. Where transpeople have long wanted, often dreamed and some prayed, to wake up with the right body, the rest don't realize how lucky they are they already have the right body. But then think if you didn't. You wouldn't feel whole or right, and you would want to do everything to change matters? It's the same thoughts, feelings and emotions transpeople have.

Not hard to understand then is it?

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