Tuesday, December 11, 2012

What sucks

What sucks is transwomen who reasonably to perfectly pass, especially with a minimum of makeup and good clothes tell nonpassing transwomen to just live with it and get out there in the world. Do these (passing) transwomen really know the embarrassment and often humilation nonpassing women face?

No they don't and that sucks for them to even suggest the other women to what men tell other men, to "man up" except in their case, it's "woman up" and be brave. Yeah, and when these women are asked to leave a store, restaurant or wherever, do the passing transwomen stand up and speak for them?

No, they don't since they don't want to out themselves. Passing has its privileges and it sucks when transwomen use them against other transwomen.

But you know what's even worse?

That's when your therapist tells you the same thing, to go out in public. It's called the real-life experience. To what face discrimination, ridicule and worse? Any therapist who says you have to go public even if you don't pass, then fire them and don't go back.

The world sucks bad enough, you don't need it piled on yourself for others. Be yourself and  take your t transition as fits you and your schedule and life. Don't be pushed into anything you don't want to do or will feel bad.

Don't fuck yourself for others. That would suck the worst, when you do it to yourself, something you don't need. It leads to depression and all to often suicide for the feelings of failure of being, passing and living as you are and want to be.

It's good to be strong with yourself and your transition. Just be wise and smart with your courage and strength.

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