Tuesday, April 16, 2013

To Cisgender Women

Cisgender people have many things in common with transgender, in fact 99.9% percent of things in common. Cisgender people may or may not like their body, their looks, their emotional or mental state at times, their voice, even their mind, or even more things about about themselves.

That's human nature as every person has feelings about themselves, both good and bad, even to the point the want to or do have surgery to correct what they hate. but cisgender people always walk out their front door with one sense they can't deny.

Cisgender people never question their gender, never question who they are a inside their body, never question their mind knowing it's the right gender for them and their body. And they know no one will question them about it either.

The only differnce, that very small percentage, is one genetic thing, a physical defect of being born with the wrong genitals. That's all, nothing else and nothing more. Just something remedied with surgery and then they're just another woman like all women.

Remember all women are different and not all women can concieve, become or be pregnant, or give birth. It doesn't detract or subtract from them being women. Everything else is there. And intersex women are the same.

And transwomen are the same, the same as cisgender people. Is that so hard to understand? We're all just human beings trying to find ourself, trying to be comfortable with our body, and trying to survive as best we can.

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