Friday, September 7, 2012

Who cares

I have a question. If a male-born person wants to be a woman but still live pretty much androgynously or even in more boy clothes, who cares? Why do medical professionals care how the person lives after they have sex reassignment surgery?

If the woman goes accepts the risks of the surgery, pays the costs for the transition, including therapy, drugs, medical tests ad naseum, and the surgery itself, why should medical professionals, from therapists to physicians, really care how the person lives before or after for the rest of their life?

Right now, to get the letter for surgery you have to go through the mental tests, the physical tests, the period on hormone replacement therapy, and the Real Life Experience, living fulltime as a "woman" for up to a year, longer by some therapist's standards but not the protocols. But what does that prove?

If you pass, it proves nothing since you pass and no one cares. The problems you'll have will all be legal, with only a handful of social ones if other people discover or are told of your history. But you won't get humiliated or embarrassed very often.

If you don't pass, it also proves nothing except you'll be walking around with a "kick me I don't pass" sign on you for anyone to verbally tease, joke about, humiliate, hate, and so on down to threats. But the truth is that it won't matter if you have a vagina or not because no one will see it.

And that's the point. It doesn't matter if you have the surgery first or last, it doesn't change the outside, your public presentation or public behavior. It will change the inside since you'll have what you've always felt was right, a vagina.

But the medical profession hold the surgery out for reasons they've never proven has scientific merit, just their personal views of social standards. That's because the RLE requires you dress, behave and act, voice optionally, like a stereotype woman.

Really? Yes, really. Who's definition and description of a woman? The truth is no one knows and no one cares as long as you wear the clothes, which is what the RLE is really about, public presentation, meaning dressing and acting "womanly", and little else.

So why does it matter if a transwomen dresses very androgynously or even male like? If they would get in trouble using women's bathrooms, then this affords them some measure to use the men's bathroom without the public outcry, just some weird looks or bad jokes at most.

And there are many butch-dykes who aren't very feminine looking, some even only female by the obviousness of their body, face and voice. But no one asks them or worries if they're really female with a vagina.

So, if the RLE hasn't been scientifically proven to be a good or reliable test - and it hasn't been studied let alone proven, and it's known that once past the point she gets the letters for surgery and then the surgery, no one cares about her public presentation anymore, who cares before?

In the end the standards for the letters isn't based on scientific reasons, it's based on social and moral values, something even many women don't meet. So why should a transwoman if she doesn't want to be so overtly feminine?

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