Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Why do medical professionals have no problems or personal issues to determine the sex of and perform surgery on intersexed patients, especially when they're a child and later when they're an adult and want surgery, but have a mental health requirement for non-intersexed patients?

Why do they feel the need to intercede in the live of an intersexed person but interfer with the life of a non-intersexed person? Aren't both the same moral issues than a medical issue? Who and what gives them the right to decide for someone but against someone else?

Why does it matter that the person is intersexed? Won't they decide their sex and gender later in life when surgery isn't so life-threatening to them and it's what they want than what was decided for them?

Why does it matter that a person has known most if not all of their life they have a physical condition that their sex doesn't match their gender? Why can't they get surgery like an intersexed person?

Why can't the medical establishment let a person decide for themself and let the health insurance cover both and not just one (intersexed since it's called a birth defect)?

Why? Or do we already know the answer about white men (doctors) wanting to decide for everyone else who and what they are?

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