Tuesday, November 20, 2012

To Some

To some during and after their transition, it really is about what people see and think about them. It's not about clothes. It's not about presentation. It's about being seen as a woman no matter how their dressed and no matter if they're wearing makeup or not.

It's about just being who they are as a woman. Call it passing, call it acceptance, or even call it tolerance, it's all irrelevant. It's about being invisible as a woman among women. To some it's what it's all about since they already know who they are and have long accepted it.

To some it's not about being pretty, not about presenting as fashionable or professional, not about attacting attention as a woman. It's about quietly being among people without a worry about being themself, without a reason to fear someone will notice and question or comment, and without facing discrimination or worse.

To some it's about just getting through life, their life in the world, and they can live their life as they want and enjoy everything else in the world. To some, happiness is just smiling at being invisible.

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