Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Dear Ms Simpson

Update.--- After an e-mail exchange with Ms. Simpson, I'm satisfied she'll do well in the job, as she earned and deserved it, and will put the matter of her former transgender identity behind her. I will take her at her word for now and expect she will do as she said. While the transgender community will continue to promote her and probably encourage her activisim, I hope, and will hold her accountable by her words, that she will not engage in activites for the transcommunity or transgender employees in the federal government unless it is part of her official duties.

And so to that end, I will keep this post to hold it as a record. The original is below.

Dear Ms. Simpson,

I applaud your appointment by President Obama to the Department of Commerce. I have no doubt you will do well and serve this country well. You more than earned and deserved the offer to accept to serve the American people. And I appluad your efforts to work with the LGBT, and especially transgender, community to advance public awareness of transgender people and people like yourself to transistion and live legally recognized in the sex and gender they know they are.

After reading a public statement you made about your appointment, you said you hoped this opened the door to many more (transgender and post-transistion) people in government, I do, however, have some words in response. First, not all post-transistion people want to be recognized as transgender. It may be your choice of words, it's not theirs, so please don't label them when they don't want it.

Second, surprising as it may seem, there already are transgender and post-transistion people in government service, in the administration, the military and even Congress. You're not the first, so please don't assume you're the only one. The others have long preferred to live and work quietly without the public label you identify with. Again, don't hurt their life and work for your agenda and cause.

And third, don't think you speak or represent them. And you certainly don't speak for me. Keep your tune and tone, and especially your opinion, to yourself about other transgender or post-transistion employees and people. They just might not like or appreciate the consequences of your words.

Anyway, that's it. Enjoy government service. And remember you're appointed, not a permanent employee, so understand the latter are great people having worked for the American people in government service. Don't abuse or misuse them for political purposes or gain. They definitely won't like that.

Take care.

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