Monday, October 1, 2012

Two Parts

It's about being yourself and being seen as yourself. Not being what is expected of you or as society thinks you should be by some standard, like your sex. Not being seen as yourself, but seen as someone abnormal, someone less than everyone else, someone worthy, in their eyes, of discrimination, embarrassment, humiliation and even violence.

That's what transwomen know when they walk out their front door. Every day. The world as they know it. And for everyone else, maybe they should remember John Bradford's words, "There but for the grace of God go I."

We are born to who we are, our sex and gender. Given and not always in agreement, and the best we can do is make the best of our life as much as we can, being ourself and being seen as ourself.

Is that so hard to understand and accept? For wouldn't we want as much if we were born that way?

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