Monday, October 1, 2012


Why is that the given a person's gender identity issue, being a self-diagnosing condition that a medical professional can't refute or confirm, that the medical professionals are the one who get to decide if you are who and what you are and what criteria you have to meet to get approved for treatment?

Why do those same medical professionals, who never studied let alone proved, gender identity is an abnormal mental condition except just to say it is, get to decide your fate, meaning get to decide if you're telling the truth, get do decide if you get hormones and get to decide if you get surgery?

Why do they when they can't confirm or refute you? They can only issue an opinion from what you say and how you present yourself which they disguise as professional judgement based on some standards which are more a social morality criteria than anything?

Why do they get to decide whether you are a woman or not? Why you have a female brain? Why do they, in the absence of any physical or other test, when can't really determine anything except what you say?

Why do they get to deny you the one surgery which is the treatment for the condition and require you to perform a months-long test which makes you vulnerable to embarrassment, humiliation, verbal and physical abuse, assault and even being raped or killed?

Why do they put your life at risk when a surgery would prevent it? Why do they call it an acceptance test when you already know the results? Who's acceptance? And is it more about just surviving it than anything else?

Why do they, when you survive, do they get to then say, "Ok, you're a woman, here's your letter for surgery."? Couldn't they just have done it at the beginning and come up with the same answer?

Why do they get to be the gatekeeper to your happiness and future? Who gave them the power they haven't earned or proven it's necessary?


What happened to "First, do no harm?' view of treating people, to put them through a months-long ordeal for nothing?

When 90+% of post-transition women are the same through their transition, meaning they know themselves to be women and want to live the rest of their life as a woman, why is all the months-long "treatment" necessary outside of helping them understand the realities of it?

Is that what it should be, helping not hurting? So why, when do transitioning women at the end of their transition feel the whole medical community hurt them far more than helped them?

I won't argue some are helped by therapy, but the vast majority go through therapy with two goals, get the drugs and get the letter for surgery, and then get on with their life. They knew from the first visit they wanted to transition and only spent the time convincing the therapist.

Everyone knows it's the game that's played, so why do we continue the sham?

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